Article author: Krasov Sergey Ivanovich, Tikhonov Yakov Sergeevich

Number of pages: 13

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This article is devoted to the analysis of the political and legal status of the European Union at the present time. The history of the formation and development of the EU is viewed. The author makes the assumption that the inclusion of the country in the European Union is a political decision. This fact is confirmed by the example of the fifth EU enlargement, and by attempt to include Turkey in the EU. A comparison of the integration processes occurring during the formation of the USSR and the EU is made, and it is concluded that they are similar. At the first stage of integration general authorities appear, and after that authorities unite and set free boundaries. Question of the political and legal form of the EU is considered. The author concludes that the development of European law and the European Communities, the expansion of their competencies, the emergence of supranational bodies, the opening of borders, the introduction of a single citizenship, the adoption of a single European currency and if the Constitution is adopted, would lead the European Union to the Confederation. However, the European Constitution was not adopted, thus the EU did not become a universal association, which differs from an international organization in its generally accepted sense.

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