Article author: Idrisov Ildar Talgatovich

Number of pages: 6

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This article analyzes the negative consequences of technological and information development of modern society. The idea is supported that the future belongs to innovative areas of knowledge, while the development of new knowledge and technologies should take place with the timely adoption of state measures to respond to the side effects of the evolutionary process. On the example of the rapid development of financial technologies, which led to the emergence of cryptocurrency, the necessity of establishing timely criminal legal regulation of virtual currency is justified. The anonymity of the owners of wallets of money surrogates leads to the great popularity of the crypto currency in the shadow economic turnover. The problem is not only the criminalization of new acts using blockchain technology, but also the qualification of the relevant crimes using the already known norms of the Criminal code of the Russian Federation, primarily due to the uncertainty of the content and ambiguity of the essence of the cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency itself is not a materialized form in the real world and can be used in circulation only on the basis of a special technology "blockchain". This technology is a sequence of digital records, on the basis of which there is encryption and consolidation of information into blocks, which are then connected in a chronological chain, connected by means of complex mathematical algorithms. Difficulties are caused by the issues of determining the subject, the means of committing crimes with cryptocurrency, as well as the establishment of the subject and the subjective side of such acts. The author comes to the conclusion about the need for legislative regulation of criminal liability for crimes, the subject or means of which is the virtual currency. It is necessary to develop a set of rules for the qualification of this group of crimes, which will explain the concept of cryptocurrency, its status, the technology of "blockchain", the subject and the subjective side are defined. It is also necessary to establish effective international cooperation in the field of combating dangerous forms of this technology.

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